Sunday, February 23, 2020

Have three scholars interpreted the role of slavery during the Essay

Have three scholars interpreted the role of slavery during the revolutionary ear, 1765-1787 - Essay Example To understand the reason behind the continued slavery during the revolutionary era, three main scholars have interpreted the role of slavery during the Revolutionary era. Slaves were used by the Americans to buy their independence. According to Morgan, the Americans needed assistance from other nations, and they needed independence. Tobacco was the only the only product that was of value and hence feasible as a tool of assistance purchase. The production of tobacco was labor intensive and thus the reliance on slavery for production. The product was then used to shape the foreign relation of America and other states, especially France. In fact, the support granted by France to America is referred to as â€Å"King Tobacco Diplomacy† by historians, so as to act as a reminder of the role of slavery, through the production of tobacco, in the acquisition of American Independence during the revolutionary era2. From this interpretation, it can be coined that slavery was a necessary evil that the Americans used to gain their independence despite having the theme of the Revolution as equality and liberty. In a much direct manner, the slaves enhanced the acquisition of American independence by serving in the Continental army. According to Spalding, prior to the American Founding, there were over 500,000 slaves, who were mainly concentrated in the five southern states, making up 40 percent of the entire population. The major American founders, such as George Washington, were slave owners. During the era of the Revolution, there was an inadequately trained army and hence the slaves were inducted into the army so as to help in fighting for the independence of America. This happened immediately after Washington started commanding the Continental army in 1775. Together with Alexander Hamilton, Washington’s plan was to use this induction as a way to grant the slaves their freedom in the long

Friday, February 7, 2020

Market risk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Market risk - Essay Example Even with the Security exchange commission, Federal Reserve still does not grantee immunization from the insecurity that comes with risk. FI’s have faced difficulties over the years for a multitude of reasons; the major cause of serious FI problems remains directly related to lax credit standards. These problems range from borrowers, counter-parties, poor portfolio risk management, or a lack of attention to changes in economic or other circumstances. These lapses in awareness can lead to decline in the credit standing of an FI’s counterparties. This experience is common in both G-10 and non-G-10 countries (Basel 1999). When discussing market risk there are many trading activities that have caught the eyes of regulators by FI managers. For example, in September 1995, a leading Japanese bank, Daiwa Bank was forced into insolvency because of losses trading in Japanese stock futures that took place at a branch in New York City (Saunders & Cornett, pp 258). Market risk can b e define as the risk related to the uncertainty of an FI’s earning on its trading portfolio caused by changes in market conditions, such as price of an asset, interest rates, market volatility, and market liquidity (J.P. Morgan). Understanding what is at risk when trading and investing on the market is of great interest to FI managers. There are divergent types of portfolio’s, which can be distinguished on a basis of time, horizon and liquidity. Trading portfolio consists of assets, liabilities, and derivative contracts that can be bought and sold quickly on organized financial markets. The category of asset or liabilities in a trading portfolio could be a long or short position in commodities, foreign exchange, equity securities, interest rate swaps, and options (Saunders & Cornett, pp 258). The investment portfolio has assets and liabilities that are moderately illiquid and held for longer holding periods. The variety of assets and